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札幌ではゴールデンウィークに咲くのでバーベキューをしながら花見をします。全国的にも珍しいのかな(笑) 毎年だいたいゴールデンウィークの前に咲いて散ってしますので、今年は天気も良くタイミングが良かったんじゃないでしょうかね。とっても綺麗です。
Sapporo is the sakura. Sapporo is often the place you've scattered mode. I think you attract a lot of people.I've bloom yaesakura now.I guess What is the charm of sakura. I wonder if the same neatly clean bloom in time every year matches the temperament of the Japanese.Since Sapporo bloom in Golden Week and the sakura blossoms while the barbecue.Rare in the country.Roughly since then scattered in bloom in front of the Golden Week holidays every year, I guess would not it the weather is also good timing was good this year. It is very beautiful.

Camera : SONY α7(LCE-7) 
Lens : SONY  FE 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS
Lens focal length : 240mm
Manual mode : F8.0  SS 1/100s  ISO 100 WB=Manual. 

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Still Sakura shine in blue sky

Camera : SONY α7(LCE-7) 
Lens : SONY  FE 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS
Lens focal length : 240mm
Manual mode : F6.3  SS 1/100s  ISO 100 WB=Manual. 

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曇りの桜 曇っていたのでちょっと違った感じで撮ってもみました。僕は樹木の下にもぐって見上げて撮るのが好きなんです(笑)
Sakura cloudy. I saw even took in a little different feel because it was cloudy.I'm like to take looked up and dive under the trees.

Camera : SONY α7(LCE-7) 
Lens : SONY  FE 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS
Lens focal length : 48mm
Manual mode : F8.4  SS 1/200s  ISO 320 WB=Manual.